Is This Driving You Crazy?

We are all busy. Busy with lot of activities every day. Busy with a long to-do list. Busy trying to catch up on emails. Busy with lots of activities. But are those activities driving you closer to the goals for your life? Or are they driving you crazy? The key is to look at your to-do list and your calendar and ask yourself three questions…

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Discard Annualized Thinking

One of the biggest barriers to high performance is annualized thinking. Annualized thinking is the unspoken belief that there is plenty of time in the year to make things happen. If we have a slow start in January, we may be disappointed, but we think, “I’ve got 11 more months to make my goal.”…

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Maximize Your Self-Confidence

Many people struggle with their self-confidence. I will share the No. 1 way I have found to maximize your self-confidence: Keep your commitments to yourself. That’s right. You will maximize your self-confidence by keeping your commitments to yourself. Most people who struggle with self-confidence feel that they are lacking in some area(s) of their life.…

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Dream Big This Year: 3 Steps to Making More Than $500,000 This Year

Happy New Year. From the day this article is published, you have 363 days left in your new year. You have a clean slate. A fresh opportunity. What will you accomplish with these 363 days? Dream big. Businesses in North America spend almost $300 billion per year on printing and promotional products. You are within…

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