Truth in Product Labels—This One Will Kill You

Proper labeling of promotional products is a big deal. While sourcing, the proper risk assessment of any product must include planned usage group as well as delivery destination.

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With a Name Like “Honest Company” You Should Be

We’ve written in this space before about the unique challenges faced by a product when a celebrity endorser goes off the rails. Now, as Jessica Alba’s Earth-friendly Honest Company is just about to launch in Target stores, there are new reports that some products imported by the company from China have been previously blocked by the FDA as unsafe.

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Offensive Tee Shutters Screenprinter

Last week I wrote an article about a screenprinter that had to close down after printing an incredibly offensive shirt. It’s already become one of the most popular articles I’ve ever written for Promo Marketing. Click through here to give it a read!

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Interesting Facts from PPAI’s Industry Sales Report

PPAI released its 2012 industry sales summary this week. Inside, we take a look at the numbers and compare them with stats from past years.

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Resolutions for 2013

Hey everyone! Long time no blog! Sorry about that. I’ve been on the road a lot this last month, and also trying to write 4,000 things at once. It was not a good combination, as I’m sure you can imagine. And now I’m off this week for PPAI Vegas, so hooray, MORE TRAVEL!

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Promotional Products Suppliers Stink at Twitter

It’s a shame, as suppliers are missing an opportunity to feed promotional distributors great content to feed to buyers. Instead, it’s a random special or product of the day or worse, begging for votes on the latest award.

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What’s Your Industry IQ?

As they often do, a discussion recently in a LinkedIn Group went off in an interesting direction.

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Does Anyone Actually Order From These People???

In this rant, I’m going to address an old topic that has been covered in depth before, but now appears with the twist of greater visibility via social media—suppliers/manufacturers selling direct and distributors buying direct.

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