Global Trends in Product Transparency

On November 23, 2015, the world’s largest food manufacturer, Nestle, disclosed publicly that slave labor was being used to produce its seafood sourced from its supply chain in Thailand. An investigation had shown that Thai fishing operators lured migrant with false promises. The migrants were sold systematically and then kept in bondage and degrading conditions…

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The Time is Now

There is no question that the subject of product safety and compliance has begun to be mainstream in the promotional products industry.

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Overlook the Delivery, It’s the Message That Counts

Last weekend, you probably sat down with a record 114 million other people in the U.S. to watch the commercials and a Super Bowl broke out. For as long as I can remember, even if the game wasn’t competitive, you could always count on the commercials for entertainment.

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Have We Met?

As you’re reading this, I’m headed back from a great end-user event at Shumsky. The QCA Distributor Advocacy Council member gathered folks…

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Let Me Google That For You

On more than one occasion I have taken the easy road and asked a question of a colleague rather than do a little simple work with a search engine to find the answer for myself. Sometimes I get a quick response to my question that looks more like alphabet soup; “LMGTFY: Let Me Google That For You.”

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So You’ve Got a Recall. What Now?

It wasn’t very long ago, working as a promotional products end-user client that I thought of product safety as pretty much a black and white issue. Products were either safe, or they weren’t. If you’re sourcing and buying promotional products, and keeping up with the increasing discussion and awareness of product safety and compliance in our industry, you likely know that’s not the case.

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Safety Begins at Home

We talk frequently in this space about safety issues involving promotional products. A heart-wrenching story out of Pennsylvania this week has me diverting a little, moving over to consumer products in general

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Safety: It’s Never Black and White

When I worked in the corporate world, I worked for a Fortune Global 500 company. When it came to sourcing brand merchandise, protecting the corporate image by mitigating damage from an unsafe promotional product was the only way to do business. At the time, at least in my mind, safety was pretty much a black or white issue. It was either safe, or it wasn’t. Since then, I’ve come to understand that product safety is more like a thermometer.

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The Battle for a Safer Bangladesh Goes On

In the year since the devastating factory collapse in Bangladesh killed more than 1,100 workers, efforts have been continuing to improve safety in the country’s garment industry. Although progress has undoubtedly been made, two recent reports highlight how divisions within and among some major brands may be hampering efforts to prevent another catastrophic collapse or fire.

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Promotional Products: If It Ain’t Broke, Leave It Be

I wrote recently in this space about swag that went wrong for Goldman Sachs at a conference for women in tech. In fact, the comments on that post continue over in the Promo Marketing LinkedIn Group (If you’re on LinkedIn, and you aren’t already a member of this group, you should be—there are some very interesting contributors and some great discussions).

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