Being Bob Hope: Becoming an Iconic Brand Superstar

Those of you who know me personally know that I am a film buff, and classic comedy historian and collector. I’ve been a member of The Sons of the Desert, the international Laurel and Hardy organization, since I was 15 years old, and I founded the Cleveland, Ohio, branch of that organization in 1973.

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A Cycle Of Engagement

In 2015, the journey of the promotional products professional in shifting prospects to clients is more challenging than ever. With the Internet, email, texts and blog postings added to phone calls, direct mail, meetings and cold calls all constantly interrupting the day, there is so much noise out there to overcome!

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My Best Promotion: Infusing Bold Solutions & What We Do Do

This year, the Be Bold, Be Different, Be Memorable blog postings will have a common theme. Promo Marketing has asked me to focus on the topic “My Best Promotion.”

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The Price Is NOT Right

The lowest common sales denominator in our industry is the product-based sales person, i.e., promo-peddler, trunk-slammer, tchotchke-chucker, ad nauseam. The mere fact that you are reading and digesting this means you most likely aren’t one of those. I’m addressing this article to you—the thinking sales person, the promotional partner, the extension of your client’s marketing department. You Think, Therefore, You Am. (I gotta stop talking like I’m Popeye.)

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Three Little Words

This week we’re going to do an exercise that will define your Three-Word Promo Identity. It’s going to be fun, unless we end up with three silly words, like Wonky Water Wedgie. But I don’t see that happening…

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