Time for a Cool Change…

Article titles and content sometimes come to me in the strangest ways. This one came to me as I was enjoying the cool weather outside the Long Beach Convention Center, as the 2013 SAAC Show was about to begin.

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What Makes You Stand Apart from Your Competitors?

I’m active on LinkedIn and my network continues to grow. I get all kinds of connection requests as many of you do. I ignore the carpet cleaners and auto service businesses that are across the county who want to connect, but I always accept connections with people within our industry.

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How Does Your Yellow Page Ad Look?

Recently, I’ve had some Yellow Page directories drop onto my driveway in a plastic bag. Years ago, I used to look forward to seeing these and checking out what my competitors were doing. Now, the book goes immediately into the recycle container.

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Guest Rant: Is Specialization the Dying Trend?

Jeff Solomon is on vacation with his family in Hawaii, so this week’s rant is provided by his friend and industry colleague Glenda Stormes-Bice, MAS.

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In the course of working on a few new projects, some rude awakenings of how the distributor/supplier relationship works, or occasionally doesn’t work, have me scratching my head and asking, “…Really?”

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What Impact Do You Have?

Recently, someone impacted my life. It was a virtual stranger I have never met. This wasn’t a family member, a friend, business colleague, or spiritual advisor. It was a sales guy.

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Did the Election Mean Business Loss or Gain for You?

Now that the election is (thankfully) over, the question could be asked, how much business did you lose (or gain) during this political season based on your viewpoint?

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What’s Your Industry IQ?

As they often do, a discussion recently in a LinkedIn Group went off in an interesting direction.

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Are You Prepared?

This Rant is about being prepared which affects both our business lives as well as personal. Fire, earthquakes, floods and technology failures can disrupt our business. But so can the loss of spouses, co-workers, business partners, and friends. How prepared are you? How prepared can you be?

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