How do you explain the value and function of promotional products to customers, friends or even strangers? We’ll cover several ways to showcase the effectiveness of promotional products in today’s blog.
Read MoreTag: Marketing
Entertainment Meets Marketing: Amazing Gatsby, Pop Art and Rock Music Promos
Entertainment and promotional marketing: A pairing that normally reminds us of being forced to eat Hulk-colored Taco Bell at gunpoint while Rihanna sings something about love and Go-Bots in the background will, on occasion, produce something worth looking at. Call it a miracle or call it people actually putting more than two-seconds effort into their jobs, but sometimes, entertainment marketing can produce some beautiful and engaging pieces.
Read MoreThe Shift to Empowerment Marketing
Empowering is the act of giving away your power to those around you so you can elevate the group as a whole. At the birth of marketing, empowering was the antithesis of a successful marketing campaign.
Read MoreEveryday Heroes
Today I’m going to deviate from my usual sales and marketing blog to salute the everyday heroes among us.
Read More“What If” Questions Help You Build Business… Now!
We all know that top producers in our industry are viewed by their clients as promotional marketing consultants or trusted advisors, not product vendors. In order to be viewed this way, you must uncover opportunities within an account that either increases revenue or solves a problem.
Read MoreTell Your Story by Answering Four Questions
Your problem may not be that you don’t have any value to add. Your problem is more likely that you don’t tell your story in a compelling way.
Read MoreIntegrated Giving
Every other week here on Big Picture Promo we take a macro look at specific components of this industry such as marketing, branding, sales, networking and relationship-building. In taking a macro approach to these topics, we come to understand the fundamental principles at work and can then apply them on a micro level.
Read MoreHow to Get Prospects Calling You
Calls to Action, or CTAs, are words or sentences that encourage and motivate your current clients or best prospects to take immediate action. You want more business, right? An enticing CTA on all your marketing materials can make a big difference in increasing your promotional products sales.
Read MorePower Prospecting Tips for 2013
The best way to begin formulating your sales plan for 2013 is to do a little
“Sales Analysis” of 2012. This is a good time to evaluate what went right and what didn’t in 2012.