If You Aren’t Reinventing the Future, the Future Will Reinvent You

Where will you be when things settle down? A great number of marginal performers will be gone. Those who have not innovated will be gone. Those who have not created value for their clients will be gone. But a lot of us will be standing, and will be better, stronger and more equipped for success.…

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A Brief Look at Quality Control in an Asian Factory

Quality control is arguably the single most important part of your supply chain. In the promotional products industry it is often neglected in order to save time or simply because the whole process is not transparent enough. This is unnecessary, since doing quality control right can be much faster and much more effective than some might think it is.

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Get the Lead Out!

This, the first of my blog entries, was originally supposed to be a “nice to meet you, here’s why I think you should visit with me each week,”- type of intro. Standard fare—easy, breezy and at least vainly attempting to be funny. But, since I believe that candor is essential when forging relationships, there’s something that’s been on my mind that I’d like to share.
I’m a bit of a newcomer to the promotional products arena, but there’s one thing that has been unceremoniously drilled into my head since my very first trade show. This is an industry entrenched in its “process.” Suppliers

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