The Meetings Before The Meeting

Many times we start presenting and selling before we have paid the price of admission or earned the right to proceed, and this can be a big mistake.If you don’t know anything about the company you are targeting, and don’t take the time to get to know the buyer as a person before you start presenting and selling, most likely you will fail.

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In the course of working on a few new projects, some rude awakenings of how the distributor/supplier relationship works, or occasionally doesn’t work, have me scratching my head and asking, “…Really?”

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Distributors, Can You Handle This: Capturing the Looks of Destiny’s Child

After all the build-up, Super Bowl XLVII is over. It was a night filled with emotional performances, stadium blackouts and a Baltimore Ravens’ victory. However, my Twitter feed was all about the “Beyoncé Bowl.”

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Achieve Trade Show Success in 2013

Heading to an industry show soon? Trade shows are an important part of our industry, and to get the best return on your time and monetary investment, we may have a few ideas to help.

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Your Pop Culture Fashion Wish List

From Tom Baker’s wool scarf to Alex P. Keaton’s sweater vest—what item from a TV or movie character’s wardrobe is on your must-have list?

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