As this is my first blog post for this new regular Be Bold Blog, it is only appropriate to warn you exactly what you are in for! Within these scintillating paragraphs each time, I’m hopeful you will find an idea or two that will inspire you and then, perspire you. Because it’s about thought, then about doing the work. There is NO substitute for doing the work.

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Empowering by Educating Your Sales Team

Education is the foundation of an empowered brand with a loyal following of customers. An empowered brand with loyal customers becomes in turn a loyal client, but how do you develop a client, their brand, and their customers into empowered ones?

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Proactive Selling in a Reactive Environment

If you have been in our industry longer than 10 years, you will probably agree that we have seen significant changes in the way we service our clients. The two most significant changes have been with communications and the “reactive” nature to our sales process today.

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Upsell or Upserve? Which Do You Do?

You’ve probably been taught to upsell, which is trying to get someone to purchase more than they originally intended or needed. Maybe it’s time to move away from upselling and instead think about upserving.

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Watering Down the Message: 3 Marketing Mistakes from Maker’s Mark

Maker’s Mark made a huge marketing mistake last month when it attempted to change its original forumla. Here are three things they did wrong that you can do right.

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Integrated Giving

Every other week here on Big Picture Promo we take a macro look at specific components of this industry such as marketing, branding, sales, networking and relationship-building. In taking a macro approach to these topics, we come to understand the fundamental principles at work and can then apply them on a micro level.

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