What Clients Really Want—It’s Not the Best Price!

A few years back I was speaking at Fruit of the Loom’s national sales meeting, I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with a gentleman whose name escapes me, however, his message during our offstage conversations still resonates with me today.

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Presentation Keys are Essential to Your Ultimate Success

As a speaker, it is imperative to follow a certain set of standards to stay on top of my game. These same standards helped me when I was making client presentations. Learn these guidelines and continue to hone them, and you will see amazing success.

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Set Goals, Review and Measure Often to Stay on Course

If I were to ask you, “Where do you want to be at the end of next year, in three years or five?” what would you say? Selling $1 million, maybe $2 million? Increasing your profits by 15 percent? Having 10 new clients? Spending more time with your family? Going on that long wanted European vacation? Well, whatever your goal, you must envision it, have a plan, work the plan, and measure the plan in order to stay on course if you ever want to see your goals to fruition.

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Adapting Your Style

Many of us have taken a behavioral style inventory at some point in our careers. While the intent of these inventories may differ based on why we are taking it, most of the time they are to improve communication between people of different styles.

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“Free Crab Tomorrow”

Joe’s Crab Shack offers free crab tomorrow. That’s because it’s never tomorrow. All we have is today. I’ve talked to thousands of distributors in this industry who will never get wealthy because they’re postponing success. Here are the three things that most people are doing to postpone success

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6 Reasons Why Marketing Fails and How to Prevent It

When it comes to marketing, there are no guarantees. A great marketing idea that is poorly implemented or incorrectly presented can have less than desirable results. You might spend hours of development time and a ton of money, so pay heed to the advice to ensure top results.

There are many factors that dictate the success or failure of any marketing campaign. Let’s discuss what they are and how to prevent the disasters from happening—or at best, keep them to a minimum.

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What Makes a Champion?

As a consultant, I am often asked, “what are the characteristics of successful people in the industry?” One interesting note—it has nothing to do with gender, age or tenure in the industry. Instead, it has everything to do with the character and integrity of an individual. I have noticed through discussion and observation several factors that I believe truly make a champion. And by the way, becoming a million dollar salesperson isn’t the Holy Grail barometer of success. Success can be measured and identified on many, many levels.

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What Can We Learn from Ketchup?

Anticipation …

At the risk of dating myself, when I think of the word anticipation, my thoughts drift toward the classic Heinz Ketchup commercial. This commercial with a Carly Simon song as a music backdrop, speaks to the anticipation of thick, rich, Heinz Ketchup as it slowly drips from the bottle.

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Trade Shows Are Forever: A Be Bold, Be Different, Be Memorable Thriller

The scent and sweat and stale-roasted almond stench of a trade show at 3:00 p.m. can be deadly. Greene was trying to get out of the massive hall without being spotted by an enemy … or an ex-girlfriend. Someone came up behind him from a darkened booth. Greene felt something cold and hard press into the small of his back. A gun muzzle?

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