Today, the rules of business and the rules of marketing are being rewritten. Social media and the ways in which we communicate have made everything Instant, Public and Permanent.
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Love as a Business Strategy
Is there room for soft-hearted words like “love” in the world of business?
Read MoreWhat Does It Take to Engage Employees?
Everyone seems to agree that disengaged employees cost enterprises billions of dollars in lost profits, sales, market share and opportunity. The Gallup Organization has placed the cost of disengaged employees to the US economy at $350 billion per year.
Read MoreMeaningful Change is the Result of a Clear Vision
Change. It can be frightening. Change. It can be exhilarating. Change. It can happen to us. Change. We can be the instigator. We can ignite change or we can be extinguished by change.
Read MoreHave Just the Rules Changed? Is it a Whole New Game?
Over the past couple of decades, several industries have been rocked to their core. Some are nearly extinct. Others are permanently changed. What is happening now to the promotional products industry? Have the rules changed, or is this a whole new and different game?
Read MoreWhat New Skills Will You Need to Succeed in the New Economy?
“This changes everything.” That is one way of looking at the perfect storm of the faltering economy, the technological revolution, full-scale globalization, values shift and generational changes that have come together all at once.
Read MoreWhat are the 6 Biggest Challenges and Changes Facing You in the New Economy?
I’ve identified six big changes that challenge those who resist change. How would you rank order them in terms of the impact on your business?
Read MoreNew Source of Revenue?
In a few weeks, I’ll be addressing the premium industry representatives group and I want to share your concerns. Fill out this survey and make your voice heard!
Read MoreWhy Do Customers Need You?
Why do your customers need you? How do you answer that question? If your customers don’t need you, you’re not relevant.
Read MoreHow Are You Different?
Can you come up with five points where your customers would regard you or your organization as being different from everything else they see in the marketplace?
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