Should you ever give up on follow-up? That depends on how valuable the prospect is to you. I can tell you from actual experience that it may take months to get an order or get in to see a prospect that has the ability to give you large and repeat orders, but the payoff can be enormous.
Read MoreChannel: Selling Smarter
Is a Lucrative Niche in Your Future?
When I first started selling promotional products, I thought everyone was a good prospect for me. It wasn’t until I concentrated on a niche market that my business quickly doubled and then tripled, becoming one of the fastest-growing companies in my region.
Read MoreTo Bid or Not to Bid… That is the Question!
There’s a heated debate going on in a promotional products LinkedIn group I participate in about whether or not to participate in the bidding process.
Read MoreWhat’s the Best Way to Show the Value of Promotional Products?
How do you explain the value and function of promotional products to customers, friends or even strangers? We’ll cover several ways to showcase the effectiveness of promotional products in today’s blog.
Read MoreHelp! My Customers Know the Codes
A promotional products distributor recently wrote me and asked how to handle clients that have figured out the industry’s pricing codes. Here’s my advice on how to respond.
Read MoreDealing with Internet Price Shoppers
These days Internet sites abound with promotional products, frequently at discount prices, but can a website provide the level of service, creativity and product knowledge that you, a promotional products sales professional, can?
Read MoreEveryday Heroes
Today I’m going to deviate from my usual sales and marketing blog to salute the everyday heroes among us.
Read More3 Big Networking Mistakes AND How to Avoid Them!
If the networking you have been doing isn’t getting the results you want, here are three mistakes you may be making and how to avoid them.
Read MoreQualifying Prospects
Not pre-qualifying prospects is one of the biggest mistakes promotional products professionals make. So how can you identify good prospects? One solution is to pre-qualify them by knowing the answers to these 7 questions.
Read MoreUpsell or Upserve? Which Do You Do?
You’ve probably been taught to upsell, which is trying to get someone to purchase more than they originally intended or needed. Maybe it’s time to move away from upselling and instead think about upserving.
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