Are You Coachable?

If you are like most people, I imagine you think you are coachable. But are you really? Here are 3 questions to help you find out for yourself: There are only a few reasons that the average distributor in our industry has sales well under $500,000 per year.  In my opinion, having spoken with hundreds of thousands of distributor owners and sales reps, most people are underperformers because they are not coachable.  When people start out telling me that they’ve been in the business XX number of years, I know…

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Which QuickBooks Version Is Right for You?

Ask the Accountant… Question: I have never used QuickBooks before. Which one should I buy: Desktop or Online? Answer: I have been a fan of QuickBooks Desktop (the regular one) for distributors, but over the last several years, Intuit (owner of QB) has been strongly pushing QuickBooks Online (QBO). It has become apparent that QBO is the future of QuickBooks. For this reason, I recommend that any distributor who is new to QuickBooks go with QBO. I don’t want to see anyone go into Desktop and then have to switch…

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