Ask the Accountant: Navigating the ‘Chart of Accounts’

Ask the Accountant… Question: Can I use the QuickBooks Online Plus Chart of Accounts that is included in the program? Answer: Yes, but it is a poor format for our industry. QuickBooks is a wonderful product and is the No. 1 accounting software for a small-to-medium-sized businesses. It is used by a wide range of…

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Have a More Successful Trade Show Experience by Knowing Your ‘Why’

As PRINTING United Expo  rapidly approaches, it’s likely that you are purchasing airline tickets, making hotel reservations, and planning your itinerary. These are all good and necessary things. But in order to have the most successful show possible, it’s helpful to back up a little bit. Why are you going in the first place? At…

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In the Wake of Global Cyber-Glitches, Paper Shines

In light of the most recent “cyber-glitches” impacting millions across the globe, it’s worth reminding ourselves of the value of paper. Digital forms are convenient, and once a company has invested in the transition to digital, those forms don’t require requisitions, delivery time, or payment. That sounds great—until it’s not. When your system is down,…

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The One Solution to All Your Business Challenges

There is only one source for all our business challenges. Most of us look outside of ourselves for all our challenges: It’s our prospect’s fault for not understanding our sales pitch It’s our customer’s fault for not placing their last order with us It’s our employee’s fault for not getting their work done on time…

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