Why the Congressional Printing Caucus is Like Having ‘Friends on Capitol Hill’

Last month, the newly formed Congressional Printing Caucus was announced, marking a “first-of-its kind bipartisan Caucus dedicated to advancing a public policy agenda that benefits and protects America’s printing industry and its rich, diverse, and varied communities,” according to a press release. “The Caucus will provide the Alliance with regular opportunities to educate a core group of lawmakers and their staff about the issues, legislation, and regulations that have a potential effect on the printing industry,” the release continued. But what is a Printing Caucus and what does it mean…

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Let’s Talk Politics

Trump! Clinton! Feel the Bern! Some can’t help but support their candidates both privately and publicly. Recently, Cheryl Rios, a marketing specialist, discovered the danger of talking politics online—she lost her largest clients. But, I’m not writing today to get you to stop talking politics. I want you to talk politics—even online—but directed toward your elected officials. Next…

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A State of Confusion?

It seems like every week I read an article lamenting the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) and the efforts underway in Congress to roll back some of the provisions of this law.

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