What Does It Take to Engage Employees?

Everyone seems to agree that disengaged employees cost enterprises billions of dollars in lost profits, sales, market share and opportunity. The Gallup Organization has placed the cost of disengaged employees to the US economy at $350 billion per year.

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Drinkware tips from Huffermen

Our April issue has been out for a little while now, which among other things, contains my amazing, fantastic and generally mind-blowingly great drinkware story. It contains advice and tips from drinkware experts at Huffermen, 99CentPromos.com, Visstun and Moderne Glass on how to sell different kinds of drinkware, like sports bottles, glassware and travel mugs

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Survival of the Finest

If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.Charles Darwin, naturalist (1809-1882) There is a survival-of-the-fittest mentality that we have all been adhering to—unless, of course, you are not one of the fittest, are living in a crowd of billions and have…

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Top 10 Things About PROMOTIONS EAST

So, we’re really starting to gear up here for PROMOTIONS EAST in Atlantic City. For the editorial staff, a trade show provides ample opportunity to lock down some interviews,

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