In the Wake of Global Cyber-Glitches, Paper Shines

In light of the most recent “cyber-glitches” impacting millions across the globe, it’s worth reminding ourselves of the value of paper. Digital forms are convenient, and once a company has invested in the transition to digital, those forms don’t require requisitions, delivery time, or payment. That sounds great—until it’s not. When your system is down,…

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Unlocking New Printing Opportunities in the Health and Wellness Market

Are you ready to tap into the rapidly growing CBD health and wellness market? This industry, fueled by increasing consumer awareness and demand for natural health products, offers significant potential for distributors looking to explore the opportunities in a market that is already $7.6 billion and only getting started. Understanding the Market Cannabidiol, commonly known…

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Leveraging Digital Label Presses for Seasonal and Regional Marketing

If you sell into any type of food or beverage market, you know how important seasonal marketing can be. Whether it’s cookies with box labels themed around the holidays, craft brews with limited edition labels themed around popular sports events like the Super Bowl or March Madness, or limited editions of wine and spirits designed…

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How Digital Label Presses Take the Sting out of Ingredient Changes

If you sell labels into the consumer product markets, you know how frequently those labels change. When this occurs, it leaves your customers hanging with obsolete inventory as they race to reprint those labels while wondering how much those changes are going to cost them. Those changes not only cost them in obsolete labels, but…

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Ready to Fall in Love with Personalized Labels?

As the market for shorter-run, more personalized, and serialized labels continues to grow, we are only beginning to fully understand the opportunities that arise for distributors. Small brands can look like big brands, and big brands can have the flexibility and agility of small ones. It’s not exactly like having a magic genie at your…

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What’s Sexy About Outdoor Power Equipment Labels? Profit!

What’s sexy about an outdoor power equipment label? Profit. While industrial labels like those that go on outdoor power equipment may not be sexy, profit always is. What makes industrial labels so profitable? They are custom products that your customers can’t buy “just anywhere.” They require a precise match between the label material and the…

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Easy Profits for 2024: Start with the Low-Hanging Fruit

Looking to boost your sales in 2024? Ask yourself if there is any low-hanging fruit you might have missed. “Low-hanging fruit” refers to those easy sales that are no-brainers. Once identified, they are common-sense opportunities that are easily recognized by distributor and customer alike—and there might be more of them than you might think. One…

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Lessons from PRINTING United Expo: Cross-Selling Is King!

For those who attended Printing United Expo in Atlanta, GA, you likely came away with your head spinning. The show covered over 1 million square feet of floor space and showcased 811 exhibitors (including Wise) in categories ranging from commercial and industrial printing to large-format, labels and packaging, and promotional products. Attendees were treated to…

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