Last week, I had the pleasure of interviewing six of my favorite, top-rated suppliers in a Skyrocket Your Q4 Sales webinar. In just about 50 minutes, each of my guest experts shared a fresh idea to increase your promotional products sales, case studies you can easily duplicate and very special offers and EQP pricing you won’t find anywhere else.
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My Path to Millions Can be Yours Too
If you’re a business owner in this industry maybe you can relate to this. You have to wear so many hats and do so many different things that don’t make you money. These tasks only make you crazy and exhausted.
Read MoreThe Price Is NOT Right
The lowest common sales denominator in our industry is the product-based sales person, i.e., promo-peddler, trunk-slammer, tchotchke-chucker, ad nauseam. The mere fact that you are reading and digesting this means you most likely aren’t one of those. I’m addressing this article to you—the thinking sales person, the promotional partner, the extension of your client’s marketing department. You Think, Therefore, You Am. (I gotta stop talking like I’m Popeye.)
Read MoreWhat I Wish I Knew When I First Started…
What’s the ONE thing you wished you learned sooner than later in your advertising specialty sales career?
Read MoreLove You. Mean it.
I’m just back from last week’s incredible SAAC Show, and it got me thinking about all the great people I worked with there and an article I wrote years ago, for the now-defunct Corporate Logo Magazine, about appreciating the important staffers all around us. Here is that article.
Read MoreFocus on the Customer Experience
Not too long ago, I read a book based on a recommendation of a good friend called The Experience Economy. This book is NOT about technology, it’s about experience. So even if you hate technology, this post is relevant to you.
Read MoreYour Habits Determine Your Future … and Your Fortune
Take a look at any successful sales professional and you’ll see someone with great work habits. Today I’m going to share with you three habits that can make a big difference in increasing your sales and your bottom line.
Read MoreThe Empowerment Conversation & Your Sales Team
No matter what industry you are in, everyone is selling something, and at the foundation of every company is a hard-working sales team.
Read MoreInteresting Facts from PPAI’s Industry Sales Report
PPAI released its 2012 industry sales summary this week. Inside, we take a look at the numbers and compare them with stats from past years.
Read MoreSink or Swim: Taking Cues from Customers
There is something to be said for the customer perspective. Here’s what went wrong in a recent shopping experience and how ill feelings could’ve been avoided.
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