Why Is This Important?

I see the industry from many sides, both in my role as publisher of the PPAI-award winning FreePromoTips.com and as a distributor. My perspective is different from most, and that enables me to publish content that is of interest to our industry.

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What Do You and Your Company Represent?

I’ve recently had a revelation. For many years, I have worked to build up a significant online presence for my PPAI-award winning, content-driven program, FreePromoTips.com. Our industry database for our e-newsletter is 50,000 and we have a strong social media reach. I’ve shared about this before, but that isn’t the point of this commentary.

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Suppliers, Where Are You? Distributors, Where Are You?

I am hardly an expert in the area of social media. In my personal online life, I will post pictures of my cute, but very weird dogs and family outings. I’ll occasionally “check in” at restaurants, since it’s important for my “friends” to know I’m eating well and hanging with the right people that I “tag.”

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How to Create Positive Word-of-Mouth Marketing!

Recently I saw a movie I loved, “Chef.” It’s the kind of movie that had the audience clapping at the end. I thought the film was really enjoyable and good story, so I promptly recommended it to all my friends.

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The Anatomy of Emotional Marketing

You’ve probably heard the old adage: “It’s the thought that counts.” This could not be any truer, especially in business. When we take the time to show our customers that we value more than just their money and investment, we gain a special place in their hearts.

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7 Ways to Create A Social Media Presence

You’re not still asking why or whether you need to have a social media presence, are you? You need a social media presence because that’s where your new customers are and it’s how they will find you, trust you and try you.

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When a Picture Says a Thousand Words: Bangladesh

It takes a single negative image to undo even the most successful campaigns in the eyes of your customers—and many of them will never forget what they’ve seen in the news. Headlines from Bangladesh and Pakistan underscore the need for social accountability audits.

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Did the Election Mean Business Loss or Gain for You?

Now that the election is (thankfully) over, the question could be asked, how much business did you lose (or gain) during this political season based on your viewpoint?

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