“Another Survey? Really? Imagine My Surprise…”

I, like you, am tired of getting surveyed after every purchase, trip and transaction that I make. So when Geiger decided to add a survey to our customer experience, I was cautious about the overall value, especially given how much work it would take to implement the survey in a meaningful way.

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The Price Is NOT Right

The lowest common sales denominator in our industry is the product-based sales person, i.e., promo-peddler, trunk-slammer, tchotchke-chucker, ad nauseam. The mere fact that you are reading and digesting this means you most likely aren’t one of those. I’m addressing this article to you—the thinking sales person, the promotional partner, the extension of your client’s marketing department. You Think, Therefore, You Am. (I gotta stop talking like I’m Popeye.)

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6 Clients You Need to Fire Now!

Many of us hold the mistaken belief that the more clients we have the more money we make. That is a myth that does not serve us well. My first great breakthrough on my quest to become a multimillion dollar producer was that to get to the next level, I needed to fire the deadwood out of my client list.

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Love You. Mean it.

I’m just back from last week’s incredible SAAC Show, and it got me thinking about all the great people I worked with there and an article I wrote years ago, for the now-defunct Corporate Logo Magazine, about appreciating the important staffers all around us. Here is that article.

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Your Habits Determine Your Future … and Your Fortune

Take a look at any successful sales professional and you’ll see someone with great work habits. Today I’m going to share with you three habits that can make a big difference in increasing your sales and your bottom line. 

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8 Questions to Ask Every Client

If you want better answers, ask better questions. It is impossible to serve your clients and create value for them unless you have a thorough understanding of their organization.

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A “Rant” in Sheep’s Clothing: 
Deep Thoughts from Multi-Line Rep Nowell Wisch

I continue my …Really?? rant series, this time it’s from the perspective of a multi-line rep.

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