5 Problems You Can Solve

Here’s the deal: Problem solvers always make money! No matter what the industry. No matter what the economy is doing. No matter what. If you can get out of the product-selling business and into the problem-solving business, you will always be in demand and you will always be able to make money. Here are five problems that you can solve.

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6 Clients You Need to Fire Now!

Many of us hold the mistaken belief that the more clients we have the more money we make. That is a myth that does not serve us well. My first great breakthrough on my quest to become a multimillion dollar producer was that to get to the next level, I needed to fire the deadwood out of my client list.

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Love You. Mean it.

I’m just back from last week’s incredible SAAC Show, and it got me thinking about all the great people I worked with there and an article I wrote years ago, for the now-defunct Corporate Logo Magazine, about appreciating the important staffers all around us. Here is that article.

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When You Wisch Upon a Star

Nowell Wisch is a veteran multi-line rep in California and other points west. He’s been with TradeNet for over 20 years and has quite a few other great lines, such as Caro-line—the bandana people. He also volunteers as a photographer for SAAC, superbly so. I love that guy because Nowell is Bold, Different and Memorable. Extremely Memorable.

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People and Purpose

When most of us took marketing courses in school, we learned about the four P’s of marketing: Product, Place, Price and Promotion. But there is a fifth P—People.

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What Does It Take to Engage Employees?

Everyone seems to agree that disengaged employees cost enterprises billions of dollars in lost profits, sales, market share and opportunity. The Gallup Organization has placed the cost of disengaged employees to the US economy at $350 billion per year.

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Excerpts from Education at PPAI Vegas, Part 2

Below is part two of my thoughts and notes from the education sessions I attended Tuesday at The PPAI Expo Las Vegas. Tomorrow I’ll be posting my third and final set of notes on the sessions.

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American Apparel Issues Statement in Response to Lawsuit

Los Angeles-based American Apparel Inc. issued the following statement in response to news reports of a lawsuit filed by a former employee:
“American Apparel denies all of the allegations in Mr. Hernandez’s lawsuit and will vigorously defend itself and its shareholders in this contemptible action. Mr. Hernandez was a non-accounting employee in the information technology department who was terminated for legitimate reasons. The allegations in this lawsuit are fictional, which the company believes represents a cynical attempt to extract phony leverage by Mr. Hernandez’s counsel, Keith Fink, who has been engaged with the company in other litigation for over three years. The facts are

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