Measure the ROI at Trade Shows (Using the Right Mix of Creative and Promotional Products)

Every year more and more products are being introduced into the market, and after a while it all looks the same. What if a program was developed that helped generate a true (ROI) return on a trade show investment? During my tenure as a promotional products consultant, I was absolutely amazed at how ineffective most marketing managers were at effectively managing the results of their trade shows.

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How Appreciative Are You? 5 Easy Ways to Stand Out and Say Thank You: Part One

In today’s highly competitive promotional products business environment, you have to distinguish yourself from the competition. Here are five ways to stand out from the crowd and build your sales by saying “thank you” to clients.

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A MUST-READ for Sales Professionals

Every once in a while a book for sales professionals comes along which is destined to be a classic. Sales guru and best-selling author Jill Konrath’s latest book Agile Selling, Get Up to Speed Quickly in Today’s Every Changing Business World is just that.

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Speak Now and Sell More!

How would you like a powerful marketing strategy that can position you as a leader in your field, put you in front of your best prospects, and help you close sales quickly?

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There’s No Money on Your Side of the Desk

A lot of distributors in our industry are spending many long days behind their desks. They’re entering orders, keeping the books and creating to-do lists—and doing it all over again the next day. But the truth is there’s no money on your side of the desk. You will never become wealthy sitting behind your desk doing $20-an-hour work day-in and day-out. If you want to achieve wealth, you have to go out and get it.

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